🔮Hello from Cuba! (and spiritual bypassing)

🔮Soul Magic Sunday

The new Sunday newsletter name... you voted, and Soul Magic Sunday ran away with the vote! Thank you all for participating and sending ideas. This was way better than I could have come up with alone!

Right now, I'm in Cuba soaking in the beauty and culture of this mysterious (to Americans, anyway) island. (No, I didn't bring my computer. This was pre-scheduled!)

When I was chatting with someone about my trip he said "eh, I don't know if I'd want to go there. I don't like going where there's so much poverty."

Which got me thinking.

We live on a planet where poverty is real. Ignoring it, or pretending like it's not there, doesn't make it go away. Poverty is there whether we see it or not.

The same is true with our emotions.

Some communities have this "high vibes only" idea that you're not spiritual if you're not always happy and acting as if everything's okay.

Others (the camp I fall in) call that Spiritual Bypassing.

My perspective is that we zipped on these skin suits to experience the entirety of human emotions. Yes joy, passion, and love are awesome. But to our Souls, it's also interesting to experience shame, guilt, fear, and anger.

Remember last week when I talked about taking off those sticky notes?

They're not just beliefs. They're unprocessed emotions.

All those painful ones that felt unsafe to feel as a kid (or that our ancestors also avoided feeling) resurface during a Spiritual Awakening.

It's a natural process of release. This is what many refer to as "healing." When you feel the emotion, or take off the sticky, you're left with… you.

Pretending you're always happy and ignoring those painful emotions is bypassing the truth of what's stored in your body. It's like trying to shine your light, but no one can see it because the stickies are in the way.

I don't say all this to scare you.

I say this to empower you.

To show you that, if you've been feeling extra emotional lately, or like every fear is being thrown in your face, there's nothing wrong with you. You're just going through your Spiritual Awakening.

The best thing you can do is stop avoiding the tough stuff and just… feel it.

Have a good cry.

Scream. Yell. Punch a pillow.

Journal every F bomb and curse word that comes to mind.

Liberate the emotion.

I've been at this for 5+ years. I know just how good it can get when you stop bypassing the tough stuff.

When you're ready, I'm here to support you as well.

(Just not now. Now I'm in Cuba. But definitely starting next week! 😆).

➡️ PS: please don't forget to share your thoughts on how I can best support you this year! Based on those that enter, I'll be drawing winners for a free 30 session on January 27.

Upcoming Events

📅 Spiritual Business Owner Get Together. I've met many spiritual women, but we never talk spirituality when we get together! I want to create a circle where we can be open about what we're exploring so we can learn from and support each other. This is a judgement free zone! If you'd like to join, grab the calendar hold here. Friday, January 31, 1:00-3:00 at 100State.

Other Ways I Can Support You

If you like this newsletter and would love to dive in further with me, here are a few ways to do that!

❤️ Private Coaching. This is my most transformative experience, personalized to you. I support female business owners in understanding their spiritual awakening so they can stop feeling like they're lost at sea, and start feeling like they're on the right path. My website does not yet reflect that pivot, so if you'd like to know more, reply to this email or book a 30 Minute Connection Call with me for a no pressure conversation!

🤍 Follow me on Social Media. I am most active on Instagram and LinkedIn.

"My experience with Andrea surpassed my expectations! She took the time to understand where I was at, what I was struggling with, and where I wanted to be. Through our coaching sessions she was able to tap into different thought patterns and beliefs that were holding me back and not allowing me to move forward. She gave me tactical and actionable tools to use as these thought patterns come up so I can move through them. Working with Andrea gave me the confidence to go after the life I want to be living and show up in this world the way I was meant to!" Monica

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Andrea Andree | Transformational Coaching

I stand for you living YOUR life. Too many brilliant women have given their power away to others: what value do others see in me? What 1000 things do I have to do to feel worthy of better things? When you take your power back, you feel confident. You radiate confidence. You turn heads when you walk into a room - not because of what you say, but who you are.

Read more from Andrea Andree | Transformational Coaching

🔮Soul Magic Sunday Photos of my trip below! This is not a pre-scheduled email. I did make it back from Cuba (hurray!). It was an incredibly transformative trip, which I've been sharing across my social media sites. (The main being my Facebook & Instagram account, with some dabbling on LinkedIn. I also have a few pod episodes coming out starting next week.) As a thank you for being in this community, I like to share things with you that I'm not sharing elsewhere. Here's what I haven't told...

🔮Soul Magic Sunday If all went well with my travel plans, I should be home from Cuba and at my son's wrestling tournament right now! My last night plans involved getting home late, showering, and going straight to bed. SorryNotSorry I didn't add "writing a brilliant email" to my night. (Nothing brilliant would come after a day of traveling anyway!) As I'm writing this before I leave, all I know is I can't wait to unpack the trip for you. This is a trip that entailed: ✔️ Spending the most...

The Awakened FEM! ❗ The final vote below for the newsletter name! You'll probably get as many answers as there are spiritual coaches and teachers. I thought it would be helpful to ground you in my perspective and experience as I've gone through mine. I'll explain with an analogy. Imagine you're you, but covered in sticky notes. 📰 Each sticky note carries a belief: something you learned from your parents, a conclusion you made as a kid, even beliefs that have been passed down through your...